Last Minute Warm-ups!

Getting into the really gritty bits of animating my final so I decided to take a break and do something fun and quick in photoshop.  Just a basic walk-cycle for practice since Pollo’s anatomy is so wacky!


Also a little sketch practice with Prof. Alexander.


Just some character designs I did based on the West African God, Anansi (the spider). I really wanted to design one of the tricksters, but pop culture has already kind of ran with Loki and Hermes, and Anansi is probably my favorite of them anyway!

And here I’ve done a few more sketches based on some stories we read, along with a couple extra characters and Anansi’s spider form. Lots of fun!

D-9 Doodles

For one of my classes (on my other blog) we had to use our favorite live-action movie for some composition/gesture studies, which is District 9 for me!  Well, I got a little carried away and decided afterwards to take a small break from mountains of school work to doodle a couple silly things.
d9dhj d9 copy


Everything is Still Awesome

Because I would like to think spring break still owes me (being sick the entire time), I’m still having fun applying new techniques to The Lego Movie fanart, rather than focus on school work. Or work work.

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