Last Minute Warm-ups!

Getting into the really gritty bits of animating my final so I decided to take a break and do something fun and quick in photoshop.  Just a basic walk-cycle for practice since Pollo’s anatomy is so wacky!


Also a little sketch practice with Prof. Alexander.

Final Designs!

These are the final official characters I’ve designed and will be put in charge of animating for the collaborative project! Can’t wait!

Mr. Biggles gets to creep into the background.

Mr. Barkley is going to be rigged and highly caffeinated.

And my baby, Mo, gets to be rudely interrupted in his marathon by a pie to the face.

Arroz and Pollo!

Since I finally settled on a design I liked, I broke Pollo down to basic shapes and it’s so much easier to draw him consistently now! Which is good because I’m getting into the rough animation stage!
Screen Shot 2013-09-24 at 8.24.05 AM

I also drew a more adult version of Arroz. I figure if I can draw him as an adult, I can then go back and add the pudge and big eyeballs to make a better looking puppy awww.
Screen Shot 2013-09-24 at 8.24.13 AM

[Animation IV] III: Arroz

So there is one more character involved in my animation, but he has very short screen time and only 1 pose so I don’t have to think about him nearly as much.  Image

I just drew this real quick, basically I looked at a photo of a chow-chow for reference and transformed that into a chubby, puppy, lizard, thing… you know, the usual.Image