Last Minute Warm-ups!

Getting into the really gritty bits of animating my final so I decided to take a break and do something fun and quick in photoshop.  Just a basic walk-cycle for practice since Pollo’s anatomy is so wacky!


Also a little sketch practice with Prof. Alexander.

D-9 Doodles

For one of my classes (on my other blog) we had to use our favorite live-action movie for some composition/gesture studies, which is District 9 for me!  Well, I got a little carried away and decided afterwards to take a small break from mountains of school work to doodle a couple silly things.
d9dhj d9 copy


Oh My G-O-S-H

In case you’re unaware, The Lego Movie is completely awesome!  With such a great cast of characters, I took this opportunity to test out a few styles and techniques while getting all the Legos out of my system.
 Spoiler alert: it’s been a week and I’m still drawing them.
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Gestures and Ladies

I’m really enjoying my sketch class this semester, so I decided to clean up a couple of the gestures I like most.  If anyone’s interested in the sketchy, sketchy poses, I have a blog for the class over here.

And now just a couple of ladies since I don’t think I draw ladies enough, with a special appearance by yours, truly.  Some of these are observational, most are fresh outta my mind tank.

Arroz and Pollo!

Since I finally settled on a design I liked, I broke Pollo down to basic shapes and it’s so much easier to draw him consistently now! Which is good because I’m getting into the rough animation stage!
Screen Shot 2013-09-24 at 8.24.05 AM

I also drew a more adult version of Arroz. I figure if I can draw him as an adult, I can then go back and add the pudge and big eyeballs to make a better looking puppy awww.
Screen Shot 2013-09-24 at 8.24.13 AM

Special Topics Animation: Concept

So there is another animation I’m working on, a collaborative video with my Special Topics Animation class. As of right now, I only have my concept art to post, but I’ve been put in charge of finalizing the second half of the storyboards of our 2 minute(?) long video. So that’ll be up soon!


Our main characters are a granny hunter and a bear.  We’ve pretty much already established the bear, but we’re basing the granny off my concept here. It’s so awesome to see her as a 3D model!Image

And here’s some simple bear practice.

{Animation IV} II: Layout

Still getting that animatic together! So far it looks like it will be around 2 minutes and the animatic is nearly done (finally!!). I did a quick mock-up of how the layout will look a majority of the time, in comparison to the characters.Image

So that’s fun but until I start fully animating I may as well practice drawing Pollo over and over and over again.Image

I’m still not completely certain on how detailed I want to make him, I’m thinking slightly more simplified than last week’s design, similar to the top one here BUT IT WILL PROBABLY CHANGE AGAIN.