Character Revisions!

It’s amazing how much my style can change in a few months.  I’ve been tackling one of last semester’s projects again and hop to have a nice storyboard done in the next few weeks!

Before I started the official storyboards I wanted to make sure I was totally happy with the character designs, so that lead to more practice and revisions.  Both Biscuit and Fish got the treatment (even though Fish only has a cameo in this particular plotline but ssshh).


For the storyboards I basically ended up combining the top left with the original design, keeping him cute, simple and expressive.

and a couple selected storyboards (in no particular order) I’ve gotten done this week.

Expect more soon!

Cup Chaos

Another blast from the past, er well… sophomore year.  This was my character I made for my first official animated short, named after the actor who does his voice.

I used a sound clip from my favorite show The Mighty Boosh and… well, I can’t really explain myself.
Here’s the final product! STILL not exported correctly (I really need to go back and do that, sorry for the ridiculous colors).